Please Comment on Proposed Changes to Local Rules

November 18, 2010 / Comments Off on Please Comment on Proposed Changes to Local Rules


Federal Bar Association
Oregon Chapter Announcements 
Proposed Changes to Local Rules – Comments Appreciated
Dear FBA Members,
The USDC’s local rules advisory committee has proposed some changes to the Local Rules for this district and would like your comment on them before the deadline of November 19th.
Of particular note is the committee’s proposal to eliminate the requirement of a concise statement of material facts.
Timely comments will be reported to the judges for their consideration before deciding whether to accept or reject the advisory committee’s proposals.  Please circulate this notice, which appears on the federal court’s website, to other lawyers:
“The civil Local Rules Advisory Committee has proposed various changes to the Local Rules which are now available for public comment. The Court does not necessarily endorse these proposed changes and will not adopt any changes until after receiving all public comments.  In accordance with 28 U.S.C. § 2071(b), these proposed amendments are now available on the Court’s website.
Persons wishing to comment on these proposed amendments to the Local Rules may submit their written comments or recommendations to one of the addresses listed below.  To be considered, such comments must be received not later than the close of business on Friday, November 19, 2010.
Comments may be sent in letter form to:
Clerk of Court
U.S. District Court – Oregon
Comments to Proposed Local Rule Changes
740 U.S. Courthouse
1000 SW Third Avenue
Portland, Oregon 97204
Comments may be sent via e-mail to:
Subject line:  Comments to Proposed Local Rule Changes
Any changes to the Local Rules adopted by the Court will have an expected effective date of December 1, 2010. Local Rules governing the practice and procedure in the U.S. District Court for the District of Oregon are available at”