Welcome to the Oregon Chapter of the Federal Bar Association and our website. You can use our website to learn about what we do, register for our many activities, and share your thoughts about how to better the practice of federal law in Oregon.
Our local FBA Chapter is comprised of approximately 400 federal judges and practitioners, and our organization is the primary source of educational programs and contact with the federal bench in Oregon. The Federal Bar Association’s mission is to strengthen the Federal Legal System and the administration of justice by serving the interests and needs of Federal practitioners, the Federal judiciary, and the public they serve.
Our FBA Chapter keeps a busy calendar. We host monthly luncheons with the judges on the third Thursday of every month at the University Club (1225 S.W. 6th Ave.). We present reasonably priced CLE programs designed for federal practitioners, we co-sponsor social events with the judges (like the terrific picnic at Judge Leavy’s hop farm), we produce and update a local Federal Court Handbook, and we author an award winning newsletter that includes stories about federal events and cases, and legal updates. We are proud to provide academic awards and scholarships in pertinent areas of federal practice, and we reach out to the Oregon community with a variety of law-related activities.
All of this work is accomplished by an amazing board of volunteer attorneys who devote their time, effort and energies to improving the practice and the collegiality of federal courts in Oregon. Chapter members come from private practice, government agencies, local industries, law schools and local courts. I encourage everyone who appears in federal court in Oregon to join our chapter, join us for lunch, attend an FBA sponsored CLE or social event, submit a newsletter story, or any of the above. Please join us today by following the membership link.
Susan Pitchford
Chapter President