When: Tuesday February 24, 2015, Courtroom 11A (Judge Stewart’s Courtroom) from Noon to 1:30
Cost: $10
CLE Credit: 1 hour of OSB Access to Justice CLE credit pending
In June, 1964 hundreds of mostly white college students went to Mississippi in an effort to register African Americans to vote, to set up Freedom Schools, and to shine the light of reality on the intimidation and terror that white Mississippi had imposed on African Americans. This was a reality that the Press and the rest of America had mostly been indifferent to for years. The disappearance of three of three Civil Rights workers on the first week of Freedom Summer and the summer long search for their bodies brought light to the harsh reality that was Mississippi.
Bring your lunch and join us to hear Assistant US Attorney Ron Silver (Senior Counsel for Community Engagement) when he tells the story of Freedom Summer, the bravery of Mississippi’s African American community that embraced the college students, the murders of James Chaney, Mickey Schwerner and Andrew Goodman and DOJ’s trial of their killers. The talk is for everyone. OSB CLE Access to Justice credit is pending for attorneys. It will last about 75 minutes.
To register, please click here.
Please contact Gosia Fonberg (gosia@baaslaw.com) with questions.