On April 26, 2012, please join the Oregon Federal Bar Assocation and District of Oregon staff members Laura Brennan and Steven Minetto for this program that reviews the changes to the new Local Rules and Forms effective March 1, 2012, as well as the new electronic filing requirements for all case-initiating documents effective May 1, 2012.
There will be a presentation with a question and answer period in which you can ask questions on local rules, filing, and court procedures. Registration includes the 2012 District of Oregon Local Rules of Civil Procedure Annotated with CD of Court Forms by Kathryn Mary Pratt.
Program 1: Secretaries, Assitants & Paralegals; Register Here:
Noon – 1:30pm
Program 2: Attorneys; Register Here:
3:30pm – 5:00PM
Apr 26 2012 – 12:00pm – 5:00pm
World Trade Center Auditorium, 121 SW Salmon, Portland, OR 97204
Lorelei Draper / (503) 796-7472