William V. Deatherage American Inn of Court – Program May 5th in Medford

April 27, 2016 / Comments Off on William V. Deatherage American Inn of Court – Program May 5th in Medford


The William V. Deatherage American Inn of Court will be presenting the next program of the season on Thursday, May 5, 2016 from 6 to 8pm at Inn at The Commons, 200 N. Riverside Avenue, Medford. Please note May’s meeting is scheduled for the first Thursday of the month (instead of the typical second Thursday of the month).

This month’s program will be presented with the Oregon Chapter of the Federal Bar Association. The program will include a panel of federal and state trial judges and a trial attorney who will, among other things, provide advice on being successful in the different courts, the key differences between courts, and review significant rules including the new proportionality discovery rules in federal court. The panel will be Chief Judge Michael Mosman, U.S. District Court for the District of Oregon, U. S. Magistrate Judge Jolie Russo, U.S. District Court for the District of Oregon Jackson County Presiding Judge Tim Gerking, and attorney Tracy McGovern.

The program will include a 1 hour social hour/dinner followed by a 1 hour CLE. Dinner will be catered by “Larks.” The guest price for dinner is $30.00 per person. The cost of dinner for members is included in the membership fees.   1 General CLE credit is pending for the program.

Please send your RSVP by Thursday, April 28, 2016 to corinne@andersenlaw.com (regardless of whether you are a member or a guest).

We look forward to seeing you there!