These Times They are a Changin'

October 1, 2013 / Comments Off on These Times They are a Changin'


The Federal Bar Association and Oregon State Bar Civil RIghts Section Present:
These Times They are a Changing’ –
Future Impacts of the 2013 US Supreme Court Session on Marriage Equality, Search and Seizure, Voting Rights, and Affirmative Action

Generously sponsored by Barran Liebman LLP; Davis Wright Tremaine LLP; Kell, Alterman & Runstein; Stoel Rives LLP; and Tonkon Torp
Click here to register!
Do you represent plaintiffs or defend public employers in Section 1983 litigation? Are you interested in learning more about Section 1983 litigation?
This seminar offers a careful look at where the law is heading in light of the highly dynamic 2012-2013 Supreme Court term.  Our panels and speakers will address some of the most pressing issues in civil rights in Oregon.  Our Affirmative Action panel will discuss implementation of affirmative action policies in the Oregon university system.  Magistrate Judge Coffin and Courtney Angeli will address the latest trends in employment and Title VII litigation.  Some of Portland’s foremost scholars on LGBTQ and family law issues, including Judge Beth Allen, will address the changes implemented by the Court’s DOMA decision.  Federal Public Defender Lisa Hay will address advancements in the law surrounding canine searches and blood collection at a DUII stop.  Finally, Secretary of State Kate Brown will present a historical perspective on voting in Oregon and Marcia Johnson-Blanco, with the Lawyers Committee for Civil Rights, Voting Rights Project, will discuss the state of voting rights on a national level.
If your practice includes Section 1983 litigation, you won’t want to miss this CLE.  The request for six CLE credits is pending.
State or Federally issued Photo Identification is required for entry into the Courthouse.
Please see this flyer for more information and a schedule of topics and speakers.

DATE: Nov 15 2013 – 9:00am – 4:30pm
PLACE: Mark O. Hatfield United States Courthouse, Jury Assembly Room, 2nd Floor, 1000 SW Third Avenue, Portland, Oregon
COST: ‎$125 for regular admission. Sliding scale pricing is available.‎
CONTACT: Jolie Russo at or (503) 326-8252‎
REGISTRATION: ConstantContact